7 Best Diamond Alternatives for Your Engagement Ring

Written by ChenJackie


Posted on July 29 2024

Though traditional diamonds are the typical option for engagement rings, they might be expensive, raise ethical questions and in some cases people just want to be different. The good news is that with alternative gemstones on the rise, couples now have a chance to select something that speaks to their relationship without necessarily having to sacrifice beauty or significance. This guide will take you through seven fantastic alternatives of diamonds for an engagement ring.

Benefits of Choosing Diamond Alternatives

Cost Savings

One of the main draws of alternative gemstones is their affordability. With a lower price point than diamonds, you can either save money or opt for a larger stone without stretching your budget.

Ethical and Sustainable Choices

Many consumers today are concerned about the ethical sourcing and sustainability of their jewelry. Diamond mining has been associated with environmental degradation and human rights abuses. Many diamond alternatives, especially lab-grown options like moissanite or lab-grown sapphires, provide peace of mind through more sustainable and ethical production processes.

Distinctive Appearance

Alternative stones offer unique aesthetic qualities - opals have a mesmerizing play of color, sapphires come in virtually every hue, and moissanite has a fiery sparkle. These distinct looks can make an engagement ring stand out from the conventional diamond.

Reflection of Values

For those who prioritize ecological and social responsibility, opting for an alternative stone is a chance to align their engagement ring with these values, making a statement about what they support and care about.

Lab-Grown Diamonds

These are real diamonds that form through the same procedures as those on Earth inside controlled laboratory environments. They show off similar shining looks and hard texture but have added advantages.

These lab-created diamonds are usually cheaper than their natural counterparts, meaning you can either save money or get a bigger one. Even when considering cost, this is also an eco-friendly alternative because diamond farming through laboratories reduces ecological damage caused by disruptive mining activities significantly. This contrasts with most conventional options which cannot be traced back to their sources hence making them prone to conflicts typical of the diamond-mining industry.


Moissanite is a gemstone that seems almost mythic in its origins-first discovered in 1893 within a meteor crater, it's a mineral that truly comes from the stars. Its composition of silicon carbide gives it a unique, fiery sparkle that has even more brilliance and luster than a diamond. With a hardness score of 9.25 on the Mohs scale, moissanite is second only to diamonds, making it an excellent choice for engagement rings that can endure the rigors of everyday wear without losing their shine.

Moss Agate

Often, moss agate appears like a piece of nature entrapped in a rock that is made up of patterns similar to complex mossy landscapes or fern-like foliage. It is this inherent quality of having natural inclusions that makes it not possible for two stones to share the same appearance, thus giving them individual personalities, something that diamonds do not have. Moss agate stone has rich symbolism besides its physical beauty. This stone is believed to start new activities and to be related to prosperity, hence making it appropriate for couples who are just starting their marriage journey.


Adularescence is a captivating enchantment of this gem, which is an internal glow as though the stone's surface has a dance that it does when it captures light. Moonstone's shine is delicate and very beautiful but not like that of diamonds which are flashy. The moon being quiet by itself, so too is the shimmering effect of these moonstones in contrast to diamonds which have blinding shine. Among other things, moonstones acquire romantic symbolism and dreamy looks often related to love, passion, and fertility in different societies. Their softer luster provides a sense of mystique and otherworldly beauty that is less about opulence and more about story and sentiment.


It is unquestionable that alexandrite engagement rings captivate people. Alexandrite is regarded as magical because of its rarity and sweet ability to change color. It is deep emerald green in the mild light of day but becomes reddish purple under warm incandescent illumination. While diamonds are valued for their brightness and shine, alexandrite possesses an ever-changing range of colors depending on lighting conditions, giving it different looks for various events and reflecting the dynamic character of the person adorning it.


The ruby is a very dynamic gem. Its color is not just any color; its red is that of a heart that beats, an eternal flame and unbroken love. Having a Mohs hardness scale rating of 9, rubies are the second hardest after diamonds (thus their being used in daily jewelry compositions which will last long). This makes them ideal for engagement rings because they represent strength and lasting relationships.


Every opal is like a little world full of lively colors-some gentle and flowery, others strong like the entire spectrum. It's this attribute that makes an opal engagement ring unique in every way because it is not only personalized but also speaks to beauty in a different way from what we expect it to be. You need to think about how you are going to protect these stones when selecting one for an opal such as bezels or halo designs, giving it protection against daily life knocks and bumps. A setting that is made with expertise will do more than just hold the stone in its place; it can bring out its natural beauty even further.


In choosing the perfect engagement ring, it's clear that diamonds are no longer the sole option for symbolizing the depth of your commitment. Each of these diamond alternatives brings its own unique story, beauty, and symbolism to the table-offering a way to make the message of your engagement ring as unique as your love story. Whether you're drawn to the celestial sparkle of moissanite, the earthy charm of moss agate, the romantic glow of moonstone, the color-changing wonder of alexandrite, the passionate hue of ruby, or the iridescent allure of opal, there's a gemstone out there that can capture the heart of your relationship.


1. How can I care for the other gemstones to enable them to last longer?

Different stones have different care requirements. For instance, moonstone should be kept away from harsh chemicals and cleaned gently with mild soap, while moissanite is quite tough and may be washed like a diamond. Research about it or ask for specific directions on how to take care of your particular gemstone.

2. Are these colorful gems also graded in the same way as diamonds?

Though there isn't any universally used grading system in place to evaluate colored gemstones like GIA does for diamonds, many colored stones get assessed based on their color, clarity, carat weight and cut. Therefore, consult with your jeweler regarding quality indicators applicable for your stone.

3. Which alternatives are comparable with diamond sparkle and refractive index?

Some others such as moissanite exhibit higher refractive index than that of diamond hence more brilliance on their part while opal displays play-of-color characteristics that are unique to it alone. The amount of shine depends on the natural properties of the stone as well as its cut quality.